Employer Videos
What’s it like working in a large company?
These videos provided below explore roles of various industries within numerous companies. These videos typically include the experiences of graduates, who recently finished university and entered the workforce. You can discover these individual’s real-life experiences of working for the specific organisations, understand company culture and what the company is looking for.
Alternatively, if you’d like to find out more generally about working in a particular industry, you may click here to watch industry based videos.
Australian Jobs Report
The Australian Jobs Report is a government issued report which provides an overview of trends within the jobs market to help job seekers decide future areas of work, seek understanding of the current market in industries and determine job markets by location. You can view statistics based on location, industry or occupation, future jobs and areas of education and training.
This report will provide you with useful statistics such as number of employed for each industry, state, occupation, areas with largest employment, industries that require post-school education and ideal qualities sought by employers.
The occupational matrix is a useful feature to observe quick facts for individual occupations.
To view the full report, click here .
Workplace Safety and Rights
In the workplace it is important to be aware of your rights, obligations and safety requirements.
Fair Work is an independent statutory office whose role is to promote harmonious, productive and cooperative workplace relations. This website can provide you with information on employment rights, minimum wage requirements, employee entitlements and awards and agreements. It is a good tool to use to clarify what your employer is required to provide you with and what you are required to provide to your employer.
To visit their website to understand workplace rights and obligations click here.
It is also important to understand how to act and conduct yourself safely at work. Workplaces are required to provide you with safety training that is required for your job. However to understand common hazards and laws further to promote safety and health, click here to read more.