Financial Help

Financial Help

There are a range of resources that can assist you with your managing finances. As you continue to become more independent through secondary school and once finishing school, you may face many costs including moving out home, buying a car, mobile plans and must manage income from your first job.

The Money Smart website can explain everything you need to know about managing your money as an under 25-year-old. Including: credit and debit, getting a car, Mobile phone deals and plans, moving out of home, online transactions and studying.

Tax File Number

Once you get a job and start paying tax, you are required to have a tax file number to be able to identify your tax records.

This Australian Tax Office video explains the importance of a Tax File Number.

To apply for a Tax File Number click here

Another resource to understand budgeting, costs or living and career salaries is the interactive game called Claim Your Future. This game can be used to understand the typical income of a variety of occupations and the level of spending that that allows for.

Concession Cards

Once you are a full-time student, you are often entitled to concession discounts.

How to Apply

The Australian government offers a range of concession cards depending on your situation which can entitle you to several benefit schemes related to health care. To view the concession health care cards click here.

How to Apply

As a student you are also able to receive transportation discounts with a valid concession card. For more information on applying for these cards click here.


As a full-time student or completing an apprenticeship, you may be eligible for payments by Centrelink. Payments include Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY and Isolated Children Scheme

To find out if you are eligible click here.